Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Slash and Burn

Time for materials FINALLY something a little more exciting.
This is still basic experimentation and hasn’t progressed into making the objects ‘beautiful’ etc as before such events occur I want to establish the basic grounds of my materials, what I want to use and then move onto how I can alter the ways in which they appear which will lead to much more considered nets.
For now I am attempting to collate as many ideas of materials as possible, which is really hard. After using the meat and researching work that is of an anti aesthetic, I want my materials to reflect this in some way, the idea being that I use unglamorous materials and manage to make something beautiful from them.
I want the materials to make people feel uncomfortable, whether that be in their physicality and aesthetic or more subtly in the way in which the juxtapose against each-other.  Not all of the nets will necessarily be like this, some may remain simple and purely graphic alongside the more ‘grotesque’ / ‘bizarre’ although those words don’t really work, I don’t want my work to be bizarre in a crude / circus freak way. But yes I know what I mean so it’s fine c:

Anywho, the problem is that I want to be innovative in my choice, using things that are surprising, so the viewer may say “oh I never thought that could make me feel so uncomfortable”, the ability of the inanimate being able to manipulate the mind.
So I’ve been around hardware stores and supermarkets and looked hard, asked friends and tutors, the list is ongoing but not particularly long. I suppose there probably is a lot of stuff I COULD use but  I am pretty picky because I know what I want, there is a hazy vision in my mind of what I want and I DO NOT want it to look cheap.

Here are some nets I have made so far and detailing of what materials I have used and my feelings on the rate of their success.

Latex > Good, but would it be worth considering trapping something inside it. Also it will need to be reinforced with wire in order to create the shape well

Fur > At this stage it is hard to tell. Slightly TOO crude when used in it's entirety but perhaps would work well alongside other materials.

Brown Paper > Easy to use but far too simple and plain, even if it was effected it doesn't feel challenging enough and i prefer more clinical papers.

 Sand Paper [coarse] > I like the idea of using sand paper but after this net was ruined by someone in my house i realised it is slightly too delicate and hard to fix together. Beyond that i'm not sure how much i like it when this rough. Something a little less obvious perhaps?

Book pages > Very pretty and romantic but where is the relevance? This is worth considering even if it's purely on the basis that text could be used somehow in the equation but unless i can find some sort of beautiful book that's relevant to my concept then i'm not sure how comfortable i a with using book pages. Not everything has to have a meaning, i know, but i want pieces to flow or be purposely in-congruent at least, this just seems to stick out and be a bit too 'twee'

Isometric Paper > It doesn't really give an uncomfortable feeling but in considering my paper it would be interesting to try effecting this with some meat or something. I like the mathematical detailing and the colour and it's clinical purity and this seems relevant

Sand Paper [Fine] > Lovely! It really brings out the contours in the shape and brings across the idea of something uncomfortable without being too brash, maybe one up from this using a medium roughness could work.

Further materials that have considered are

Woodchip wallpaper
Loft Insulation
Cork [but this seems exceedingly harder to find than anything else]
Lard / Petroleum jelly
Tracing paper
Dried meat [such as ham]
Whole meat [cut into shape]
Wire Wool
Dish Cloth
Fabric [but how to make it interesting]
Medical materials such as bandages

And in terms of sewing....

Hair [which i have already started to collect]
Surgical thread

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