Saturday, 13 February 2010


I wanna do a frickin' blogpost but stupid incompatible files won't let me upload images :c
And to think i found something truely lovely. Sods law. Now it will have to be handwritten about on the morrow and i will have to go eat biscuits and drink my milk before bed.
Other than this problem, being with grandma and grandad is full of goodness and warmth and i could quite easily find myself getting lost in southern life and their varied array of personal belongings. I have lots of film at the ready and 4 cameras, and i have had some inspiration into the area in which i want to explore. Thinking about only my grandparents and world war one victims alone is all too broad, to the point where i won't be able to do anything as the scope of my ideas will all just daunt me and stop me being able to even start, which is what has been happening in the last few weeks. This will help me narrow it down, now if only i could stop making bloody lists and idea storms, this over analysation seems to just make things worse. I must simply document document document.
As much as i hate February 14th, this is the way to spend it and i am quite content.
It's good to be in London again c:

1 comment:

  1. If your work is going to be so personal and a documentary, how should it be engaged with by an audience? Is this something for projection? or for a TV monitor? or should everything be re-filmed on super-8? Who is showing work of this nature? How are they showing it?
